Computer Security

Computer security or commonly called cyber security is a term that is applied to processes and mechanisms that aims to protect unintended or unauthorized access or damage to digital devices like the computers and the smart phones. Cyber security is becoming an important issue, especially due to the societal and professional reliance on the digital systems. Computer security includes physical security and information security. Physical security ensures prevention of theft and damage to digital systems while information security ensures protection of data and software in the digital systems.

Computer security helps to apply security measures that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and reproducibility of data and its analysis. The goal of computer security is to protect the data both during storage and in transit. The methods that are commonly used for data security are awareness training, access control, audit and accountability, penetration testing, risk assessment, authorization and assessment of in-built security and vulnerability management.

Statement of the Problem

Digital systems are exposed to certain risks and flaw that result in the vulnerabilities of data leakage and protection. Certain vulnerabilities are attributed to the flaws in the system or software itself that compromises the data security. On the other hand there are issues of “Direct Access Attacks” by hackers, who are software experts and are able to tamper data or software that generates such data leading to data leakage. Whatever may be the reason, a compromise in cyber security leads to economical, social and financial crisis that has futile consequences. All across the globe, cyber experts are trying out means and measure to improve the security of digital systems.

Way Forward

During this modern age of telecommunications and data revolution, it is difficult to refrain from using digital systems in our day to day life. However, there should be certain checks and measures that need to be followed by the individual end user of such digital systems apart from relying on security systems developed by the software experts. The individual concerned should be cautious to manage and maintain individual information in digital systems at his or her own risk.

The concerned person should be disciplined to reveal confidential information on such interfaces. Apart from individual consciousness software experts are discovering newer means to expedite computer security. One such development is the creation of Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs). Such modules secure devices by integrating cryptographic capabilities onto the access devices by using microprocessors which offers a way to detect and authenticate hardware devices thus preventing unauthorized network and data access.

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