St. Augustine on Marriage and Sexuality

Marriage is a sacred, legal or formal recognized union between a man and a woman or same sex to bind or seal a relationship. It is like a knot between two persons that is a key factor for proof of agreed business. Within a relationship, whether legal (marriage) or otherwise, there is an element known as sexuality. It is classified as the element of feelings an individual experiences or shows towards another person. There is a link between the two which somehow correlates with each other. There are many points of views as it relates to marriage and sexuality which either makes agreement with traditional beliefs or somewhat contradicts. One such individual’s point of view on marriage and sexuality that may seem strange in understanding is St. Augustine who was an early century Christian Theologian and Philosopher whose writings were a base course in the development of Western Christianity and Western Philosophy. He was born around 354AD.

Sexuality can be viewed as a sinful aspect as it relates to Christianity because since it involves sexual feelings towards another, outside of marriage for a Christian, it is not acceptable. According to St. Augustine, the sin factor of sexual immorality didn’t lie in the act so much but more of the feelings and thoughts that went into the indulgence. St. Augustine’s stance is that love is of God which is more of the act (possibly) and sin which comes into the lustful thoughts the mind engages while committing the act. His thought on a rape committing in early times brought about understanding as he stated this act was not out of sin because they had never agreed to do it and it was brought on by undeniable selfish sexual desires of men. He believes that in contradiction to what God requires, many person do sin as well as others who gets involved in sexual activities but have not sinned.

St. Augustine was once believed to live with a concubine who bore him a son but never got married to this woman. This sparked outrage among other religious believers and such who saw St. Augustine teaching God’s ways yet living in contrary. He didn’t see it is a sin and that is what troubled other philosophers to whom he was known.

Sexual immorality not a sin in act but more based on the feelings and thoughts that came during the act was what St. Augustine had to say about sexuality and human life. It seems contrary from a Christian point of view but yet he never changed.

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