Informal Essay Writing Techniques: Try Them Out to Succeed

Informal essay writing is not as easy as it seems. You are so used to writing formal essays that when you are giving the assignment to write an informal essay, you struggle with the idea. An informal essay is written in a conversational tone. It speaks directly to the reader and not in general terms. This is an informal essay. The use of the word “you” is a good indicator of an informal essay.

The idea behind this essay is to portray the writer’s personality. You can’t show your personality in formal writing or technical writing. These styles are used to portray evidence and are written in general terms not aimed at the reader as a person but as a reader as anyone who reads the paper. Therefore, when you are writing an essay for college admissions, you are usually asked to write on an informal topic like “why you chose your major?”

Writing techniques to use

  1. Write your paper as if you are simply having a conversation with someone. This is that conversational tone that makes the essay informal.
  2. Be personable. Write while pretending that you are talking directly to one person and not a professor or a group of people.
  3. Show your personality. This is the most important step because the whole idea behind this type of essay is to show who you are.
  4. Use some humor. This is a fun writing style. Don’t be so serious. Make a joke here and there. Write something that you would want to stop and read. Formal papers can be boring and dry. Informal papers are just the opposite. They can be fun and full of life.
  5. Create an outline. Even though this isn’t a formal essay you would still create an outline. It will help you organize your ideas and allow you to be able to ensure that you are adding a piece of yourself into your writing.
  6. Share experiences with your audience. In this type of essay format, you have the right to tell about personal experiences to prove your points. You don’t need to cite scholarly sources.

And that’s the gist behind writing informal essays. Just make sure that your reader has a smile on their face and that your personality shines through. It is one of the only styles where you get to really let your audience know you.

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